This has been a point of contention for several years now. Bassnectar fans covet the front row spot so much for their favorite artists that they set up camp on the rail and forgo hours of other music to secure their spot at festivals.

Last night Bassnectar played at Electric Forest. Lorin acts as a resident of the festival, and his presence each year brings thousands of fans from around the country. Last year it was reported fans were present on the rail in the early morning, and this year nothing has changed.

Bassheads Crowd The Rail Hours Before Any Music Beings

In the below photo Bassheads are crowded around the main stage at 4:30 pm, a full eight hours before Bassnectar begins his set, and almost 4 hours before any actual music is played on the main stage.

This has been the source of major criticism from the festival community as their presence has made it impossible for fans of other acts playing the main stage to get front row for other acts. Also, the idea of missing dozens of amazing acts throughout the day to sit in the hot sun, doing literally nothing is hard for many rectify in their brains.

So are Bassheads just that committed? Or are they missing out on an incredible experience that Electric Forest offers?

Photo Via Justin Armenta.