The spectacle that was  included new developments this year, starting with bigger sound. The stages were more evolved, there was no expense spared for the sound quality. Towers of ‘s made a nest for us on the mystical Hummingbird Ranch in Rye, Colorado. Plus, the lasers extended the length of the festival grounds, surprising all the wigglers as they would pop up everywhere. Then there was the story of Steve…

First, enjoy a Sonic Bloom 2018 recap video by , and .

Check out the Sonic Bloom 2018 lineup card and enjoy our carefully curated festival playlist as peak into the spectacle.

The real question is, what didn’t  do?

Steve helped lead a group of lost friends to a light post, played a surprise silent set for people that could hear him, turned a jug of water into jug of wine, sat in the blazing hot sun all day just so all his friends didn’t have to move from the shade, didn’t care if his drink was warm on a hot day, used all of the food he eats as energy (no waste), gave a man a painting lesson…that man was Bob Ross, climbed a mountain and fed a little chipmunk and when an old ladies bag got snatched he got it back. Simply, Stevie embodied the love of Bloomers.

The festival was riddled with talent, blooming on every stage.

We will look forward to seeing some of these cats boosted to the top of lineups with the support that the Sonic Bloom community gives, especially . Favorites and hidden gems that were on our list to see included: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .

Take a listen to Templo’s set at Sonic Bloom 2018.

This is , he hosted Qigong for Couples & Partners. Here are his intentions:

To present the overarching intention of Sonic Bloom was the Founder, , with his The Unified Field of the Universe workshop

Other workshops and activities that pulled this festival together included: , Amanda Vollrath: “The Hype Goddess”, Kimberly Dill: Healing the Earth, Healing Ourselves, Warriors of Peace: Bringing Fourth the Revolution, The Opening Ceremony: AZTLAN, and a personal favorite, Camp Tramp.  on the various workshops during Sonic Bloom to enlighten yourself a bit.

: Nassim Haramein’s The Unified Field Theory : 

Now Jamie Janover and  are off to explore scared sites in Peru and Boli for a Resonance Academy Delegate Gathering.

They will be going to sites most tourists never see while being led by experts in the fields of archeology and unified physics and showing how they intersect by examining directly, physical evidence of the use of possibly advanced ancient technologies. We look forward to hearing Jamie’s workshop next year after he gathers all this beautiful information. We are really interested in hear what physical evidence they find… Stay tuned for a follow up interview and .

Grab your  

Now find out how The Widdler’s set went down at Sonic Bloom 2018.

With the exception of a couple lost pockets, friends, oneies, water-guns, mystical stones and minds, Sonic Bloom 2018 went off without a hitch. It is always excited to see the new developments each year and with Jamie now owning the land, we can look forward to our roots growing deeper into the Hummingbird Ranch. What will bloom next year? Start dreaming up ideas and turn your wildest imaginations into reality at Sonic Bloom 2019.