Ookay has been all over headlines over the past 6 months. Initially announcing the drop his album on 2018, he took to the road to smash stages across the USA on his “WOW COOL Tour”. Fast forward a few months, the North American leg said tour is over and he has announced a show at EDC Las Vegas with “The Binches” (including Kayzo, Yultron and Dotcom). Then, a few weeks back he showed us all what it means “to kick it” with the drop his 2018 debut “COOL” (f the upcoming album). Here we are, almost March, still no album, but, there is news more new music. Giving the people a bit a taste here and there has been an angle many Producers have been taking and it looks like Ookay is doing the same as his Moe Shalizi mate, Marhmello has done with Album releases. Just the tip, until he drives home the album in its entirety…

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 2nd (the month Festival Season kicks f in the US-and-A), as the sophomore track f the upcoming album is sure to set fire to soundwaves. The album should be coming soon, but for now, we will continue to nibble at any bit magic the groove lord puts out.

Be sure to check back for the ficial release on Friday. We will have you covered with stream links/buy links and whatever the hell you need. Peace out Binches!
Follow Ookay on Twitter for more news: Follow @Ookay
Photo Cred: RUKES Follow @rukes