Over the past months, it has seemingly been impossible to escape Jalal Ramdani’s bright influence on the house scene, especially due to his widely acclaimed hit “Sesa,” which took over stages and clubs throughout the summer. The UK-based and Moroccan-raised artist has positioned himself on the forefront of the afro-house movement over the past year, combining his scientific mind from being an algorithmic trader before moving into music in late 2019, with his creative mind, which he has been cultivating to perfection ever since.

His single “Sesa,” which was released in collaboration with Team Distant, Mr Silk and Mel D, has been the catalyst in his buzzing career and has allowed him to tour around the world throughout the summer, performing everywhere from Mykonos and Ibiza to Miami and Tulum, as well as enjoy support from industry giants such as Black Coffee, Adam Port, Rampa and &ME. Jalal Ramdani has bigger plans however, and won’t settle down to enjoy just one track’s success. He currently has two names remixing “Sesa,” one of them being Black Coffee’s protégée, and the other one being one of the legends of the scene.

Jalal Ramdani truly is the fastest-rising afro house producer in dance music right now, having signed his music with all the top 7 afro house labels in the world in just over a year. Now, fresh off the success of “Sesa,” as well as his cover of Babylone’s “Zina,” one of the most beloved songs in Africa, Jalal Ramdani is gearing up for a hectic touring schedule, set to perform at Sante Teresa in Costa Rica on the 30th of December, as well as continue on a long tour through Latin America.

Additionally, Jalal Ramdani has his sights set high in terms of his music releases in 2022. He just joined forces with Team Distant and Mr Silk once again to release “Nerawoo Tumma” alongside Stevo Atambire, while he is also gearing up to unveil a new project, which will be all about reggaeton. Every day, Jalal Ramdani seems to find his way to a brand new milestone, and we can’t wait to see where he takes things next while on his exciting musical journey.