Autograf are back in a big way. After dropping off their first EP in 3 years earlier this year, the group has announced that they are releasing their debut album. To accompany that announcement Autograf have shared a new single “Ain't Deep Enough” ft. Jared Lee. Their

“A lot of good and bad things have happened to us in the past couple years. And the album tells this story, but it also tells your story.” Autograf had to say about the album. “We share our stories through music, but how you experience it depends on your own interpretation. So what “Ain’t Deep Enough” means to us may mean something else to you. That's the beauty of life. We have to play the hand we're dealt in life, but anything is still possible depending on the reading or interpretation.”

If this new single is any indication of what's to come, everyone is in for a treat. Check out “Ain't Deep Enough” below and stay tune for more new Autograf.

Autograf – Ain't Deep Enough ft. Jared Lee | Download