Brooklyn-based alternative-electronic duo ANIMÁL’s debut single is a refreshing escape from modern madness. Co-produced by Pluko, “Let Me Down” is the commencement of the tandem’s soon-to-be fruitful career. A collision of indie dance music and instrumental rock, this tapestry of diverging sounds is inspired by the likes of RATATAT and Explosions In The Sky.

ANIMÁL – “Let Me Down”

Finely tuned to a cinematic frequency “Let Me Down” is a blossoming gem that evolves from first note to last. Between breathy electric guitar riffs and glitchy digital melodies, the twosome’s debut is a palpable listen. Fresh faces in the electronic music atmosphere, ANIMÁL has already streamlined a signature sound unique to their own musical fingerprint. The first look into their forthcoming album Flight, “Let Me Down” delivers intriguing insight of what’s to come this summer.