Why is new music released on Friday? It is a question that many music fans have asked themselves at least once. It seems kind random that all new music, in every market drops on the same day the week. So why is it that the music industry chose Friday above all other days to release new music? There are several reasons why music is released on Friday but not all are obvious. Well the answer might just surprise you. Check out the reasons why music is released on Fridays below.
Why is new music released on Friday? – Charts, Charts, Charts
At the most basic level the answer to why is new music released on Friday, is the fact that chart data is collected on Fridays. That means if a track is dropped the day , it has a much higher chance making different charts. At the end the day charts mean everything for labels, and artists alike. Obviously everyone involved in the production and marketing a song wants to chart well so they are going to drop a tune at the time that gives them the best chance.
Why is new music released on Friday? – It Is Just Easier
Oddly enough the second answer to this burning question is not what you might expect. Why is new music released on Friday? Well because it is just kind easier to pick on day and stick to it. Having an industry standard makes things easy. It also just makes sense to have music released on Friday as more times than not individuals will listen to more music on the weekends.
So while the answer is a bit mundane we are happy to supply you with it. The main answer to the question why is new music released on Friday, is because big data means big money.