Every week, many eager club goers are refused entry from Berlin’s prestigious nightclub Berghain. If you’re unlucky enough to have been one of them, or never made it to the venue in the first place, and are curious about the notorious insides of the hallowed building, then your prayers have now been (virtually) answered.

You can finally take a glimpse inside the secretive clubbing destination thanks to a pretty much spot on recreation of the venue in Minecraft made by user u/throwawayforlewdstuff.

The highly detailed tour takes you deep into the heart of Berghain (minus the fear of rejection from the world famous powerhouse bouncers). From the dark rooms to the dancefloors, this nerdy homage to the techno giant showcases the architectural layout of the industrial setting in Minecraft block form.

Reasoning behind the project came in the comment section, when the creator posted: “I know there are a lot of people who can't really travel to Berlin, so giving this little sneak peak inside to those people was kinda my intent!”

Check it out below.

Bekka Barnard is a freelance writer, follow her on Twitter

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