Whether you want to pronounce GIF as a JIF or a GIF, the image format is becoming an everyday part our society. Making GIFs are a skill though in its own right. While you can go to websites like GIPHY or even use the ones on your phone, creating your own from YouTube videos can be tricky.

In the past, you may have had to use Photoshop to make animated GIFs but luckily this is no longer the case. Now going from YouTube to GIF is easier than ever. Take a couple minutes and try it out for yourself.

YouTube to GIF: Making GIFs with Giphy

Step 1: Copy the YouTube URL that you want to make into a GIF and navigate to giphy.com's GIF MAKER.

Step 2: Paste the YouTube URL into the input box. The service lets you paste videos from Vimeo or YouTube.
YouTube to GIF: How To Turn Any Video Into a GIF

Step 3: Choose the duration the GIF as well as the start time in the video on Giphy.com. Press Continue to Decorate next.
YouTube to GIF: How To Turn Any Video Into a GIF

Step 4: Add a caption or any sticker overlays you'd like. When you're happy with the image, click the “Continue to Upload” button.
YouTube to GIF: How To Turn Any Video Into a GIF

Step 5: Wait for your GIF to be created. This step may take some time.
YouTube to GIF: How To Turn Any Video Into a GIF

Step 6: Now that the GIF has been created, you can either copy the link, embed it into your website, or download it for your own use.
YouTube to GIF: How To Turn Any Video Into a GIF

So there you have it. Whether you want to make a GIF your favorite music video, or a GIF your favorite YouTube influencer, now you have all the steps for YouTube to GIF transformation.