Wolfang Garnter has a deep place in my heart. His music was some the first tracks I heard when I deeply started to explore the dance music genres. I saw him countless times and his many singles served as a soundtrack to my high school years. I even ended up in a music video his with my friends after we left our senior prom early to catch his show in Philadelphia. There was a lot radio silence from Wolfgang over the last few years, but lately, he has been returning to his best form and dropping tracks that bring me back to a more simple time.

‘Ching Ching' is classic Wolfgang. Wonky synths, driving bass line and a powerfully catchy hook all help make this tune a massive success. Wolfgang has beautifully integrated many today's popular styles into the single without losing the integrity his signature sound. It is always great to see an artist you came to know and love drop a track which is as awe-inspiring as the music which helped you fall in love with them in the first place. Check out the track below.