Raised in Singapore, but currently residing in London, Chris Jones, AKA These Brittle Bones began this solo project out of his bedroom aged only 12. He has released a whopping four EP’s, writing and producing the majority of the music himself from his bedroom in Singapore! Today he returns with a new single “Healing” that is a hazy and emotional journey that is a great introduction to his music if you are not yet acquainted. Stream “Healing” by These Brittle Bones” below now, under that check out a quote from the rising act and stay tuned for the accompanying music video on the 22nd of this month.

“Healing came at a time when I allowed myself to feel resentment without shame, without feeling guilt at the fact I felt pissed off. The song became about standing my own ground without repressing my irritation to please others. It was a real moment of learning the importance of self-love: a shifting point where I allowed myself to stop apologising for who I am or how I choose to define myself”.