Skrillex has one the most successful careers in all EDM. Not only has he released legendary songs under his own name and under Jack Ü, he’s produced for many huge artists. He has produced for Justin Bieber, Ellie Goulding, Big Grams, Ty Dolla Sign and more. Now, he may be producing for one the hottest groups in hip-hop.
Hip-hop group BROCKHAMPTON posted an Instagram story Skrillex working with them. The screenshot is captioned with “PUPPY,” the name the upcoming fourth album from BROCKHAMPTON. Those two clues hint at Skrillex potentially producing at some capacity for PUPPY, whether that be in the form a full-fledged collaboration or just production help. The story pictures Skrillex next to Romil Hemnani and Jabari Manwa, two BROCKHAMPTON’s producer members. Since Skrillex is experienced with producing hip-hop, we hope this hint materializes into something come PUPPY’s release date.
Look at the screenshot below:
Cover Photo: Rukes