Instagram has recently been undergoing a number of new updates in an attempt to keep its high ranking as one of the preferred social media application go-to’s. In its most recent update, they now allow a few interesting changes regarding its Instagram Stories and your friends.

With the addition of being able to now add up to 10 different photos or videos to your story comes an interesting little add-on as well. Basically, whenever you are mentioned in someone else’s story – provided they have a public account as well – you can now actually grab that story and add it as one of your own.

Here’s how it works: the content you choose to grab as your own actually becomes a sticker that you can edit and personalize to make your own. The original poster will also be labeled in the story you choose to use, though content from private accounts who are posting stories will not be able to work in this feature.

You can also mention your friends in your stories, and then they’ll be able to add it on to one of their own stories – lots of stories-on-stories fun.

The update has rolled out on Android devices already and is soon to come for iOS.