Recently, according to a survey on YouGov, “the app’s new layout has erased over two years’ worth of positive feelings among millennials.” In February, the satisfaction score for users between the ages of 18-34 was 27. In mid-April, the score dropped to 12.

Truthfully, it isn't surprising to hear that the number of millennials on Snapchat have dropped. Snapchat should have expected this to occur when they agreed to keep this new update. As of now, they have tried to make a few changes to benefit users, but yet, it still isn't compelling enough for old users to download the app again. If Snapchat continues to stay with the new update, they can be at serious risk of earning a lower rate than they do now.

Do you think Snapchat should still convert back to their old update even with the new changes they made in the last month? Tell us what you think about the issue in the comments below.