It was announced about a month ago that there were some potentially large changes for Ultra Music Festival. Each year local Miami residents complain about the festival. It closes down a massive public park, the city gets trashed, and emergency services are largely tied up for many days. For these reasons as well as some personal ones Miami has decided to up the cost for Ultra to host its festival at Bayfront Park as well as host a vote on the venue's future.

Ultra Miami At Risk?

The vote on whether Ultra could remain at Bayfront Park was supposed to take place on July 26. It was announced in the last few days that the vote on the contract was pushed back in order for restructuring.

Miami Pushes Back The Vote On The Fate Of Ultra Music Festival's Iconic Venue
Photo Rukes

The vote will now take place on September 16. While Ultra does have Bayfront already secured for next year, if this vote does not past, America's largest dance music festival could be forced to change venues permanently starting in 2020. Stay tuned for details and read more on this developing stories here.