— the largest dance music industry event in America, and the world. In addition to the , which takes place that week, a plethora outside club events dominate the city that culminate into at its end. 2018 marks the 20th anniversary the festival, making for an even more energized atmosphere surrounding it.

Its enormous popularity among fans, industry pressionals, and artists alike translates to an enormous invasion the city, and thus an even crazier unfolding developments. Surge prices for ride share services and taxis are near-unfathomable, drink prices are egregious, and ATM fees are shockingly high. Meanwhile, utter debauchery and chaos mean tense interactions between bouncers and patrons, wedding rings falling f celebrity’s hands, and course, instances that in the past have included women talking to trees.

We compiled an array images that captures moments like these, that show a deeper look beneath the glamour Miami Music Week and Ultra Music Festival.

1. We hope you withdrew cash ahead time….

discovered ATM fees at the small club Treehouse were set at $36. The fee was so high that he had to document it through Instagram, appropriately quipping, “Some cunt is having a laugh.” Note to self: withdraw copious amounts cash prior to going out for the night, or else…

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

2. Same goes for buying alcohol

Either the drink needs to have at least 4 shots, or it’s best to get toasted enough to last the whole event.

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

3. A test in supply & demand

Not planning on drinking? You’ll at least need water to remain safely hydrated in the warm outdoor weather. Humane ideologies be damned — vendors throughout the week are putting necessity and capitalism to the test by charging upwards $15 for a bottle water at each event. Perhaps the hot new liquid to hide in a flask is H2O.

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

4. Not today, lawsuits!

This venue wasn’t playing around when it came to hosting an Axtone pool party. The question is, what can you bring?

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

5. That awkward moment when…

while partying too hard to

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

6. When the alcohol hits early

Pacing is the key to day-drinking, young Padawan.

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

7. On the other hand, 3 snaps for this brave raver

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

8. One thing to save money on: food

Plus side: food poisoning is potentially the new leading cause seeking medical assistance at the music festival? Put that in your pipe and smoke it, media.

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM
Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

9. An accurate depiction Ultra attendees from an Uber driver’s point view:

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM

10. And finally….the Great SHM Lighting Conspiracy 2018

Why the odd camera angles? Error? Technical difficulty? Was it all fake after all? Who knows…

Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM
Miami Music Week in a nutshell: capturing the ridiculousness beneath the glamour - Finest of EDM
Feature Credit: aLive Coverage