Well, with Miami Music Week and Ultra Music Festival fast approaching, we’ve had the opportunity to have a little chat with none other than mastermind producer, Laidback Luke. During our interview, you will have the chance to find out about Luke’s Ultra performance, about the Mixmash Records event, that takes place during Miami Music Week and about many more interesting topics.

So, with that being said, check out our exclusive interview below! Enjoy!

  1. Hello, Luke! How have you been lately?

Hi guys, all good! I’ve been keeping very busy with all the things I do all the time involving being a DJ/Producer, Kung Fu Athlete and Dedicated Dad : )

2)      So, let’s kick f. Miami Music Week is coming up and we’ve seen that your label will be throwing quite a huge bash. What can you tell us about your upcoming event?

We’re back poolside again, this time at the fancy Delano pool. To be honest, the Mixmash team has been keeping the line up away from me as well, so I was very happily surprised with that huge line up they announced! The team has become a streamlined monster, my people are doing such an amazing job!

Laidback Luke speaks about his upcoming performance at Ultra, about the Mixmash Records event from Miami Music Week and more during our exclusive interview!

3)      Aside from this party, you’re also going to perform during this year’s edition Ultra Music Festival. What should your fans expect from your performance?

This is a very common question I get, and one I can never answer! One that I don’t know either because I’ll always mix on the fly! One thing I know is that it’s going to be an incredible vibe again and I’ll be playing a bunch my new tracks coming out soon!

4)      Should we expect to hear some new music during your show?

Absolutely! My next big one coming up will be right after the Miami Music Week and will be my Turbulence Follow Up with Steve Aoki and Bruce Buffer called ‘It’s Time’. We’re back! This time with a UFC style theme!

5)      What else will you be doing during Miami Music Week that you’re really excited about?

I’m very excited to teach my Kung Fu class at the W-hotel South Beach at 11am on the Thursday. I love teaching Kung Fu, but more over, seeing what Kung Fu does for people relieving stress and giving them energy to tackle the day!

6)      Aside from all the aforementioned things, can you tell us what do you have in store for us in the following months? What’s coming up from you and from your label?

We’ll be promoting the amazing new talent we’ve signed to the Mixmash family, keeping the quality our output very high. I myself have been re-inventing my style. It seems the time is right now everyone is able to sound like everyone nowadays. It will be an edgy and new sound, yet very familiar in the Luke manner you knew from when I broke through. I’m also still very busy with my VLOG, which has become a new passion mine. The amount people who’ve seen my VLOGs on Youtube and telling me about it is incredible nowadays!

7)      And to close things f, with festival season around the corner, can you tell us which festival are you most excited to perform at? Besides Ultra?

I’ll be back at Tomorrowland again! Happy to tell you that I’ll be performing both weekends.

8)      Thank you for your time and good luck with all your future projects!

Thanks for having me guys, good luck to you as well!

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