Following the long awaited release an ficial music video for “Indian Summer,” Jai Wolf has continued his trend movie studio level videos. This time, it is a cinematic experience for 2017's hit “Starlight.”

Sajeeb Saha teams up with director Andrew Donoho, and together, the two create one true beauty a film.

“When Andrew pitched me the idea, I thought he nailed the emotional weight the song,” Saha said. “I always found ‘Starlight' to have that feeling youthful nostalgia and I think Andrew really brought out those themes with the addition some dark sci-fi undertones. The video does a great job bringing that feeling to life.”

The film follows two brothers on a Stranger Things-esque search for a fallen star. It's one hell an adventure from start to finish with twists and turns and…

But I won't spoil the beauty anymore, watch Jai Wolf's ficial music video for “Starlight” below!