Instagram may soon become a one stop shop for all social media needs. The 800-million user photo sharing app is reportedly planning to increase the current one-minute Instagram video limit to a whopping hour. The Wall Street Journal, who broke the story writes:

Instagram Video Looks To Challenge YouTube

With the announcement of these plans, many are speculating that Instagram is looking to rival YouTube and pander to the teen audience. A recent Pew Survey found that 51% of teens enjoy using Facebook, a significantly lower rate than the 85% who use YouTube and the 72% who use Instagram. With many content creators and influencers already producing YouTube videos, and letting their audience know about it through Instagram stories, these one hour video plans could mean users never have to leave the app. As Digital Music News points out however, these videos will most likely have music in them, which means Instagram is going to have to figure out new copyright regulations.

What do you think of Instagrams rumored plans?

h/t: Wallstreet Journal, Nymag, Digital Music News