Do you consider yourself an Eric Prydz superfan on Facebook? Now, you can tell with new Top-Fan badges Facebook has created. You can now earn the badges by constantly liking, following, commenting, and referring your friends to the particular page. Once you are considered a top-fan, you have the option of your earned badge to be displayed on any posts or comments you make on the corresponding page. Now you can stand out from the rest and be one step closer to your favorite page owners!

In the example below, Gabe has earned a badge for being a top-fan of Skrillex. Any post or comment he makes will display a badge next to his name, meaning he is a top-fan. Facebook has likely created this new feature as an incentive for users to be actively engaged with the app. Additionally, you have the option for the badge to be hidden if you want to remain private. If you have a favorite artists and want to stand out from everyone else, make sure to stay active with their posts and you can earn your top-fan badge!

Guess who just got a badge for being a top fan of Skrillex?yeah. me. succ it.

Posted by Gabe Guzman on Wednesday, May 23, 2018