Dillon Francis disappeared from social's for awhile and we were all pretty sad about it. Then, he dropped “Ven” and we were not sad anymore. Then he came back to social media. Word is a Latin album will be dropping very soon. Dillon has become the face humor in this industry and he shows no signs taking the foot f the pedal. I logged onto Twitter today and the first tweet was by some Dillon Francis help center. I was confused. Why and when did I start following the customer service twitter page for Dillon's phenomenal merch store? Turns out, I didnt.
Dillon has called an audible and switched taken over or created his own customer service page out his Tiwtter page. No word on how long this is here to stay, but like Mountain Dew Code Red its confusing, but ooooh so good.
Photo Cred: RUKES