Dillon Francis usually manages to make our day better. Whether it’s a new track, a funny video, or some witty commentary on social media — he’s always a good time. And his latest interaction with McDonald’s is pretty amazing.

The producer took to Twitter to post some photos of him going HAM on some Mickey D’s during a recent set. His meal of choice: a cheeseburger and small fry. The share was great to begin with, but what happened next was even better.

That’s one interpretation of “bun up the dance…” McDonald’s replied its official account.

We’re actually kind of surprised Dillon didn’t think that one up himself. Touché to the Golden Arches.

Fun Fact: “Bun Up The Dance” has been burning up dance floors since summer of 2015 — almost three years! It’s one of those signature EDM songs we’ll never get enough of.

McDonald’s Serves Up Perfect Punchline

McDonalds mid DJ set? ☑️ pic.twitter.com/AhxO6UFoAd

— Dillon Francis (@DILLONFRANCIS) April 16, 2018

That’s one interpretation of “bun up the dance…” ??

— McDonald's (@McDonalds) April 17, 2018


— Dillon Francis (@DILLONFRANCIS) April 17, 2018


Dillon Francis x Skrillex – “Bun Up The Dance”