Earlier today several members the dance music community spoke out against Datisk and Space Jesus for sexual assault accusations against multiple women. You can read the initial story here.
While the bulk the claims and the more egregious ones were target towards Datsik, varying degrees accusations were also made against Space Jesus. The two have been on tour together in 2018. A few hours since the initial tweets were sent Datsik posted to his twitter that a post regarding the issue was coming.
After 2 hours since announcing he was making a statement Datsik has responded to the claims. He does not outright deny misconduct but assures fans that he has been nothing but pressional towards fans in the past. For many fans it appears the statement is too little, too late. This is a developing story, and we will continue to update as news breaks.
Here at EDM Sauce we support all those who are survivors sexual assault. If you, a friend or loved one has experienced sexual assault please follow the links below as resources.
National Sexual Assault and Rape Hotline
Rape Crisis Center for Children and Adults