Notebook” by Chris Varvaro feat. Sky Roses not only shares a testament of a deeply interwoven relationship between partners intersected by a diary, or ‘notebook,’ but showcases Chris Varvaro’s ability to replicate a fresh sounding original utilizing the production elements that help him stick out among the millions of other producers on the scene making similar pop infused electronic records. Stream the new collaboration after the jump now! Check it out below now and under that check out a quote on the song by both artists.

“For Sky Roses it was about losing your cool and learning to grow as a person, settling in relationships and learning how to work through the battles and the fights. Growing up to get the other person’s side of the story. Both sides of the tracks emotional elements come together to tell a beautiful tale of a love song and learning. – Chris Varvaro



“Notebook to me is not only a continuation of love letters, but also a talk about being understood by someone you're close to.  I love working with Chris because we get the chance to explore very real topics and we can talk about the emotions behind the music, rather than just constantly discussing tiny details. Notebook to me feels like the halfway point of our story; we're still growing, learning, and waiting for what we're after. Whereas our first single Broken talks about the loss, Notebook talks about the learning.  I look forward to writing again with Chris to put some closure on this whole series of emotional music. – Sky Roses