Every now and again artists feel as though the persona that they have been portraying to the world is no longer the way that they perceive their musical, or artistic, paths. Snoop Dogg comes to mind when he transformed and reinvented himself into the peace-loving Snoop Lion. Earlier this month, the very talented Brillz announced that his beloved stage-name will cease to exist. Will his new character be as cherished as the last?
On March 2nd, 2018, the beloved producer’s army dedicated followers received the shock a lifetime. Their respected trap/bass God declared that he was ready for a change. This sentiment became apparent when the new year hit. “Time for something new. Time to embrace the true nature my inspirations at any cost, and put my heart into a new vision” the ‘Buckwild‘ musician stated.
By pursuing his true passions, Brillz was instantly manifested into .
It’s definitely been a trip discovering how the future this character has come to be. If this is any indication what he has in store than we absolutely can’t wait to hear what the newly discovered LSDREAM has to fer. Also, props to him, and the other artists, who do not follow the cookie-cutter image that many DJ’s portray. Following one’s dreams is always the best option and extremely important leading to one’s ultimate happiness.