Above & Beyond are absolutely amazing at what they do, they know how to put on a show like no other and they know exactly how to tug at your heartstrings whenever they so choose. But most importantly, they know how to throw a party, and they proved that once again on the first date their all new Common Ground tour in Los Angeles at the LA Convention Center.

Things were kicked f with support from Spencer Brown, Grum & Gabriel & Dresden, who all put on phenomenal performances and got the crowd alive and really vibing out for the first three hours the event. They filled the entire venue with bass pumping tracks and electrifying beats making everyone feel amazing and right at home as they got the A&B faithful ready and warmed up for what was coming next.

The Anjunafamily had all been waiting for this moment since the event & tour was announced and now it was here, a full three hour set pure Above & Beyond bliss. The trio put on a truly amazing set featuring all our favorite tracks that got you up and dancing, and course crying along with friends and singing our hearts out.

Above & Beyond Common Ground: Los Angeles Event Review]

Common Ground Los Angeles was definitely a beautiful show and if you were fortunate enough to be in attendance that night then you know exactly what I’m talking about, and I expect the rest the dates on this tour to be just as special for every single stop.

If you have the opportunity to attend one the tour stops along the way for Common Ground, don’t miss it and take the opportunity, it will undoubtedly be a special experience!

Tickets and more information are available .