Mall Grab is teaming up with Berlin-based Irish duo Brame And Hamo to raise money for a trio of Multiple Sclerosis charities.

The DJs are using their platform to perform three gigs across major cities in the UK. They will be performing in London, Glasgow and Manchester between the July 9-11.

The shows will be held at The Glove That Fits, The Berkeley Suite and Yes respectively. They will raise money for a three Multiple Sclerosis charities: MS Australia, the MS Society in Ireland and the MS Society in the UK.

Mall Grab and Brame met at a show in Ireland and discovered that both their mothers suffer from the disease. They discussed their parents' struggles with MS and bonded over their mutual experience.

The condition attacks the brain and spinal cord and causes substantial health defects. There is currently no cure for the illness which means every contribution towards charities is crucial.

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