A few months ago in the beginning of the Summer, Deadmau5 let slip that he was working on a film score. Fans obviously wanted to know out the gate which film the project would be featured in but Joel has been tight-lipped, to say the least.

This weekend Deadmau5 announced that the film score is near complete and that he was very excited to share it with his legion of fans. While he still refuses to even give a hint of which film the score will be featured in until its release he is beaming with pride about the project. He claims it is one of the most exciting things he has done in his career.

Mau5 went further to explain that upon its completion he is returning full force to his focus his energy on touring, music production and show production. Now we can all wait patiently to see if Deamdau5 can film a score as well as other dance artists who have been tapped for the job like Moby and Daft Punk. We are pretty confident his might be the best one yet.